The Multi Omics Analysis Blog

Key Publications
A signaling pathway-driven bioinformatics pipeline for predicting therapeutics against emerging infectious diseases - TM Scott, S Jensen, BE Pickett (F1000Research, 2021)
Chikungunya virus time course infection of human macrophages reveals intracellular signaling pathways relevant to repurposed therapeutics - Madison Gray, I Guerrero-Arguero, A Solis-Leal, RA Robison, BK Berges, BE Pickett (PeerJ, 2022)
Meta-Analysis of Two Human RNA-seq Datasets to Determine Periodontitis Diagnostic Biomarkers and Drug Target Candidates – C Moreno, E Bybee, CM Tellez Freitas, BE Pickett, KS Weber
Joint Secondary Transcriptomic Analysis of Non-Hodgkin’s B-Cell Lymphomas Predicts Reliance on Pathways Associated with the Extracellular Matrix and Robust Diagnostic Biomarkers – N Rapier-Sharman, J Clancy, BE Pickett (Journal of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology)
Transcriptomics secondary analysis of severe human infection with SARS-CoV-2 identifies gene expression changes and predicts three transcriptional biomarkers in leukocytes– J Clancy, CS Hoffmann, BE Pickett (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal)
Comparative meta-analysis of host transcriptional response during Streptococcus pneumoniae carriage or infection. Gifford KTL, Pickett BE (Microbial Pathogenesis, 2022).
Comparison of Intracellular Transcriptional Response of NHBE Cells to Infection with SARS-CoV-2 Washington and New York Strains. Scott TM, Solis-Leal A, Lopez JB, Robison RA, Berges BK, Pickett BE. (Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology; 2022).
Preprocessing of Public RNA-Sequencing Datasets to Facilitate Downstream Analyses of Human Diseases. Rapier-Sharman NL, Krapohl J, Beausoleil EJ, Gifford KTL, Hinatsu BR, Hoffmann CS, Komer M, Scott TM, Pickett BE. (MDPI Data)
Genome-wide bioinformatic analyses predict key host and viral factors in SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis. Ferrarini MG, Lal A, Rebollo R, Gruber AJ, Guarracino A, Martinez Gonzalez I, Floyd T, Siqueira de Oliveira D, Shanklin J, Beausoleil E, Pusa T, Pickett BE**, Aguiar-Pulido V**. (Nature Communications Biology; 2021).